About Workshop
Narasaraopeta Engineering College (Autonomous) conducted successfully a One day national level workshop on LINUX under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India and IIT Bombay on 23rd August, 2019 through IITB Remote Center at Narasaraopeta Engineering College (Autonomous) for Teachers belongs to surrounding engineering colleges of Guntur district.
It aimed to provide the Training on LINUX. It is one of the most popular Operating Systems used today. Linux refers to the family of Unix-like computer operating systems that use the Linux kernel. It can be installed on a wide variety of computer hardware, ranging from mobile phones, tablet computers and video game consoles to mainframes and supercomputers. The Workshop started on 23rd August, 2019 with the inauguration by Mittapalli Chakravarthy, Vice-Chairman of Narasaraopeta Engineering College (Autonomous). He welcomed the participants of the workshop and elaborated on how this kind of workshop is useful to the Teachers and also appreciated efforts made by RC Coordinator and Course Coordinator.
Dr. M. Sreenivasa Kumar, Principal, Narasaraopeta Engineering College (Autonomous) stressed the need of LINUX, importance of LINUX an open source software and the Linux kernel is released under the GNU General Public License and hence can be freely created, modified and redistributed. The Remote Center coordinator Mr.V.RamaKrishna Reddy told that, this workshop is being conducted by IITB through 7-remote centers across the Andhra Pradesh, 102 centers across the India. And at our RC (NEC) totally 25 Teachers are participated from various different colleges across the Palnadu region. Mr. Sk. Khaja Mohiddin Basha (Course coordinator) and Mr.V.RamaKrishna Reddy (Remote Center coordinator) shared their experiences with LINUX Operating System.