III-II ECE Mini Projects(2019-2020)
SL.No | Project Title | Description | Output Image |
1. | Theft Detection Using NODEMCU | Security and safety have always become a basic necessity for the urban population. When the LDR sensor detects an intruder, it sends a signal to the NODEMCU and also to an alarm system. The System transmits an alertsignal to the Open source cloud which provides an alert signal on the users’ mobile phone. Thesystem employs a second esp8266 module which is programmed to act as a web server,which allows the user to activate or deactivate the security system by means of any devicewith internet. | |
2. | Voice Controlled Wheelchair Using Arduino and Bluetooth | This project describes the design of a smart, motorized, voice-controlled wheelchair. This project represents the “Voice-controlled Wheel chair” for the physically disabled personwhere the voice command controls the movements of the wheelchair.The voice command isgiven through a cellular device having Bluetooth and the command is transferred and convertedto string by the BT Voice Control for Arduino and is transferred to the Bluetooth Module HC05 connected to the Arduino board for the control of the Wheelchair. For example, when theuser says “forward” then chair will move in forward direction and when he says “Back” thenthe chair will move in backward direction and Similarly “Left “ &”Right” for rotating chair inleft and right directions respectively and “Stop” for making it stop. This system was designedand developed to save cost, time and energy of the patient.The circuit comprises of an Arduino and Bluetooth module and Motors. The Bluetooth module recognizes the voice command by using IOT boys app. Then the Arduino process thecorresponding data ,and by using motor driver,the motors rotate locomotively. | |
3. | Blind Stick | The objective of this project is to provide the visually impaired a betternavigational tool. The ultrasonic blind walking stick is way more advanced than thetraditional walking stick as the use of sensors makes object detection easier. But in theproposed system having voice playback assists the blind person to take appropriate steps toreach the desired destination. The vibrator connected to the stick is used for the indication. | |
4. | Mini Mario Game Using Arduino | Endless runner game like Mario game has become popular for many years and in the proposedmethod Arduino is used to play game by placing a push button and it is not a difficult game andthe obstacles can be placed by using a potentiometer and is very popular when compare totemple run and it is very easy to play when compared to other games. | |
5. | Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Using NODEMCU | In this project we build a small circuit to interface NODEMCU with DHT11 temperature andhumidity sensor to measure the temperature and humidity in the atmosphere around us.One of the main applications of connecting the DHT11 sensor with NODEMCU is weathermonitoring. Its features include accurate measurement of temperature and display it on blynkapp. So that we can take preemptive measures according to temperature and humidity. | |
6. | IOT Based Moisture Detection System |
Agriculture is Primary Occupation in our country. Due to inadequate pumping of water, farmers may face so many financialproblems and also migration of people from rural to urban there is hindrance in agriculture. So, for theeffective utilization of resource available that is to reduce the wastage here an intelligent smartirrigation system using IOT is developed. Thissmart irrigation system reduces man power and is also feasible and cost effective for optimizing water resources and waterlevels based on soil moisture and weather predictions through notifications. And also wide area can becontrolled by locating the number of moisture sensors which detects the moisture levels in the land andsend the alert messages .The main advantage is that it can receive updates and notifications that maybe relevant to scheduling even when person is away from the land and also give exactly the rightamount of water in right time. |
7. | Barrier Elusion Robot | The design analysis of a barrier elusion robotic vehicle is presented in this project. Itcan be able to handle some specific tasks, like identifying the barriers that are presentin the path in which it is travelling and also able to send the live feed to the user viaAndroid interface. It is a microcontroller-based control system, the camera in it worksinalliance with Android Application. Its live feed can be accessed by androidapplication. | |
8. | Alcohol Sensing and Engine Locking System | This represents our project in which we try to tackle the problem of loss of lifeand property due to drunken driving.In our project, we have used ArduinoUno3 microcontroller attached to an alcohol sensor which detects the presenceof alcohol by analyzing breath of a person driving the vehicle.Engine of thevehicle is turned off and the emergency siren is blown as soon as alcohol isdetected, thereby minimizing the chances of any mishaps that could havehappened.Therefore, loss of life and property is avoided. | |
9. | Chatbot Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | Building an interactive voice enabled Chatbot using Artificial Intelligence and Machinelearning to the users to get information in a human-friendly way.The project is able to provide information and displayed on the screen.To identify or detect the voice and convert the voice to text and then reply to the userwith possible solution.By the end of the project the face of the Chatbot is displayed on the screen and replies tothe user after they asked any question.Raspberry pi-model (3B). | |
10. | Sun Tracking System Using Arduino | As the non-renewable energy resources are decreasing use of renewable resources for producing electricity is increasing. Solar panels are becoming more popularday by day.Sun Tracking System is a hybrid hardware/software prototype, which automaticallyprovides bestalignment of solar panel with the sun, to get maximum output. Asingle tracking systemwas used. It is cheaper, less complex and still achieves the requiredefficiency. In terms of costs and whether or not the system is supposed to be implemented bythose that use solar panels, the system is viable. The increase in power is considerable and therefore small increase in cost.Maintenance costs are not likely to be high.A C program loaded into theAtmegaforms the embedded software.There is a metallic frame that houses thecomponents. The three stages aredesigned independently before being joined into onesystem.This approach, similar to stepwise refinementin modular programming, has beenemployed as it ensures an accurate and logical approach which is straightforward and easy tounderstand.This also ensures that if there are any errors, they are independently consideredand corrected. |