narasaraopeta engineering college phone number

Degree Verification For Admissions: 915-468-6203 |

List of Faculty

S.No. Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification
1 Dr.S.Venkateswarlu Principal M. E., Ph.D
  Dept. of CIVIL    
2 Dr. P. Naga Sowjanya Assoc. Professor M. Tech, Ph.D
3 Dr. A. Ranganath Professor M. Tech, Ph.D
4 Dr. K. Harikrishna Professor M. Tech, Ph.D
5 Dr. G. Venkateswarlu Professor M. Tech, Ph.D
6 Dr.S.Devabalahan Professor M. Tech, Ph.D
7 K. Anil Kumar Asst. Prof. M.Tech
8 N. Mb. Subhani Asst. Prof M.Tech
9 K. Meghanadh Asst. Prof M.Tech
10 K. Jayavignes Asst. Prof M.E.
11 M. Vasavi Asst. Prof M,Tech
12 M. N. S. Samba Siva Rao Asst. Prof M.Tech
13 A. Lakshmi Prasanna Asst. Prof M.Tech
14 S. Maheswari Asst. Prof M.Tech
15 Sk. Sydha Asst. Prof M.Tech
16 N. Bhargav Kumar Asst. Prof M.Tech
17 M. Venkatesh Asst. Prof M.Tech
18 B.V.Srinivasa Rao Asst.Prof M.Tech
19 G. Ezri Babu Asst. Prof M.Tech
  Dept. of EEE    
20 Dr. P. Sarath Kumar Professor M.Tech, Ph.D
21 Dr. R. Shankar Assoc. Professor M.Tech, Ph.D
22 Dr. S. Vinayagam Professor M.Tech, Ph.D
23 Dr. SK. Md. Shareef Assoc. Professor M.Tech., Ph.D
24 P.D.V.S.K.Kishore Assoc. Professor M.Tech
25 G.Naga Raju Assoc. Professor M.Tech.
26 M.Chandra Sekhar Assoc. Professor M.Tech.
27 SK.Karimulla Asst. Prof. M.Tech
28 B.Praveen Kumar Asst. Prof. M.Tech
29 G.Naveen Asst. Prof. M.Tech.
30 A.V.Seetha Ramanjaneyulu Asst. Prof. M.Tech
31 A.Jyostana Bhavani Asst. Prof. M.Tech
32 B.V.Pavan Sunil Kumar Asst. Prof. M.Tech
33 N.Teji Lal Asst. Prof. M.Tech
34 J.Siva Prakash Asst. Prof. M.Tech
35 M. Subramanyam Asst. Prof M.Tech
36 M.Syam Kumar Asst. Prof. M.Tech
37 Sk. Abdul Kalam Asst. Prof M.Tech
38 G. Naga Vardhani Asst. Prof M.Tech
39 P. Bramaramba Vathi Asst. Prof M.Tech
40 P. Raghava Rani Asst. Prof M.Tech
41 M. Gowthami Asst. Prof M.Tech
42 K. Silpa Asst. Prof. M.Tech
  Dept. of Mechanical Engg.    
43 Dr. D. Suneel Professor & Dean M. Tech, Ph.D
44 Dr. S. Venkata Siva Professor M. Tech, Ph.D
45 Dr. M . Ramakotaiah Professor M.Tech., Ph.D
46 Dr. P.Suresh Babu Assoc. Professor M.E.
47 M. Venkaiah Assoc. Professor M.Tech.,
48 P.Srinivasa Rao Assoc. Professor M.Tech.
49 Ch. Sekhar Assoc. Professor M.Tech
50 K.Kiran Chand Assoc. Professor M.Tech
51 Dr. M. Venkanna Babu Asst. Prof M.Tech
52 P. Sravani Asst. Prof. M.Tech
53 T.Ashok Kumar Asst. Prof. M.Tech
54 G.Bhargav Asst. Prof. M.Tech.
55 P.Kiran Kumar Asst. Prof. M.Tech
56 K. John Babu Asst. Prof M.Tech
57 A. Pavan Kumar Asst. Prof. M.Tech
58 D. Raghavendra Asst. Prof. M.Tech
59 Y. Suvarna Kumar Asst. Prof M.Tech
60 A. Ankarao Asst. Prof M.Tech
61 M.Mothilal Naik Asst, Prof M.Tech
62 V. Swamulu Asst, Prof M.Tech
63 D. Gopi Asst, Prof M.Tech
64 U. Naga Raju Asst. Prof M.Tech
65 D. Ratna Babu Asst. Prof. M.Tech
  Dept. of ECE    
66 Dr. V.Venkata Rao Professor M.E ., Ph.D
67 Dr. R. Siva Kumar Professor M.Tech., Ph.D
68 Dr. N. Veda Kumar Professor M.Tech., Ph.D
69 Dr. K. Raju Professor M.Tech., Ph.D
70 Dr. J. Brahamaih Naik Professor M.Tech, Ph.D
71 Dr. Sk. Bajid Vali Professor M.Tech, Ph.D
72 Dr. K. Srinivasa Ravi Professor M.Tech, Ph.D
73 P.S.S. Chakravarthi Assoc. Professor M.Tech.
74 J. Narasimha Rao Assoc. Professor M.Tech.
75 N. Srinivasa Rao Assoc. Professor M.Tech.
76 P. Bhagya Raju Assoc. Professor M.Tech.
77 Dr. B. V. Ravi Kumar Assoc. Professor M.Tech., Ph.D
78 Dr. R. Dinesh Kumar Assoc. Professor M.E., Ph.D.
79 Dr.V.Vasantha Swaminathan Assoc. Professor M.E., Ph.D.
80 Dr. G. Ram Prabhu Assoc. Professor M.E., Ph.D.
81 Dr. S. Sivalingam Assoc. Professor M.E., Ph.D.
82 Dr. Y. Jaipal Reddy Assoc. Professor M.Tech., Ph.D
83 Dr. Ebraheem Kaleelulla Assoc. Professor M.Tech., Ph.D
84 Dr. Md. Javeed Ahamed Assoc. Professor M.Tech, Ph.D
85 Dr. P. Srikanth Assoc. Professor M.Tech, Ph.D
86 Dr. M. Srinivasulu Assoc. Professor M.Tech, Ph.D
87 Dr.B. Suneetha Asst. Prof. M.Tech., Ph.D
88 Dr. K. Srinivasarao Asst. Prof M.Tech, Ph.D
89 Dr. Y.V. Lakshmaiah Asst. Prof M.Tech, Ph.D
90 Dr. B. Siva Nageswararao Asst. Prof M.Tech, Ph.D
91 Dr. K.Sheela Asst. Prof. M.Tech, Ph.D
92 Dr. Sk. Nannu Saheb Asst. Prof. M.Tech., Ph.D
93 V.Naveen Raja Asst. Prof. M.Tech
94 A.Raveendra Babu Asst. Prof. M.Tech
95 T.Indira Asst. Prof. M.Tech
96 Shaik Mohammed Umar Asst. Prof. M.Tech
97 N.Narayana Asst. Prof. M.Tech
98 CH. Karthik Asst. Prof M.Tech
99 A. Venkata Siva Asst. Prof. M.Tech.
100 N. Dasaradh Asst. Prof M.Tech
101 J. Pallavi Asst. Prof M.Tech
102 G. S. Joe victor Asst. Prof M.Tech
103 Ch. Adi Babu Asst. Prof M.Tech
104 B. Srinivasarao Asst. Prof M.Tech
105 Sk. Asifa Asst, Prof M.Tech
106 Sk. Md Gouse Asst. Prof M.Tech
107 M. Hari Haranadha Sastry Asst. Prof M.Tech
108 G. Rajavali Asst. Prof M.Tech
109 G. Sambasiva Rao Asst. Prof M.Tech
110 Sk. Md. Shareef Asst. Prof M.Tech
111 P. Jayababu Asst. Prof M.Tech
112 P. Vinuthna Asst. Prof M.Tech
113 D. Suneel Asst. Prof M.Tech
114 CH. Seshu kumar Asst. Prof M.Tech
115 G. Ramana Reddy Asst, Prof M.Tech
116 M. B. Narendra Asst, Prof M.Tech
117 A. Ramesh Asst, Prof M.Tech
118 B. Baloji Naik Asst, Prof M.Tech
119 B. Baburao Asst, Prof M.Tech
120 P.V. Narendra Asst. Prof M.Tech
121 Sk. Ahammad Asst. Prof M.Tech
122 M.V. Suneetha Asst. Prof M.Tech
123 J. Rama Krishna Asst. Prof M.Tech
124 N. Naga Lakshmi Asst. Prof M.Tech
125 K. Narasimha Rao Asst, Prof M.Tech
126 K. Sai Naga Sailaja Asst, Prof M.Tech
127 P. V. Satish Kumar Asst, Prof M.Tech
128 K. Bhulakshmi Asst. Prof M.Tech
129 M. Sri Lakshmi Asst. Prof M.Tech
130 N. Satyanarayana Asst. Prof. M.Tech
131 Purne Srinivasa Rao Asst. Prof. M.Tech
132 M. Sunil Raja Asst. Prof. M.Tech
133 Sk. Arifa Begam Asst. Prof. M.Tech
  Dept. of C.S.E    
134 Dr.S.N.Tirumala Rao Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
135 Dr. S.V.N. Srinivasu Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
136 Dr. K. Lakshminadh Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
137 Dr. S.Siva Nageswara Rao Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
138 V. Mahesh Babu Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
139 Dr. Sk. Chand Basha Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
140 Dr. Ganesh Babu Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
141 Dr. Yetha Ravi Kumar Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
142 Dr. Mari Muthu Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
143 Dr. B. Jayachandran Professor M.E., Ph.D
144 Dr. K. Venkata Ramana Professor M.Tech, Ph.D
145 Dr. O. Samba Siva Rao Assoc. Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
146 Dr. G. Vijaya Kumar Professor M.Tech, Ph.D
147 Dr. R. Yogesh Rajkumar Professor M.Tech, Ph.D
148 Dr. A. Mahendra Assoc. Prof. M.Tech., Ph.D.
149 Dr. K. Ashok Assoc. Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
150 Dr. M. Malayadri Assoc. Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
151 Dr. T. Nedhunjeliyan Assoc. Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
152 Dr. Y. Leela Ravikrishna Assoc. Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
153 Dr. G. Prasanth Assoc. Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
154 Dr. K. Janakiramudu Assoc. Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
155 Dr. B. Srikanth Assoc. Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
156 Dr. M. Sireesha Assoc. Prof. M.Tech., Ph.D.
157 Dr. K. Suresh Babu Assoc. Prof. M.Tech., Ph.D.
158 Dr. R. Satees Kumar Assoc. Prof. M.Tech., Ph.D.
159 Dr. S. Venkatesan Assoc. Prof. M.Tech., Ph.D.
160 Dr. S. Vasantha Swaminathan Assoc. Professor M.E., Ph.D.
161 Dr. G. Siva Raman Assoc. Prof. M.Tech., Ph.D.
162 Dr. K. Soma Sekhar Assoc. Prof M.Tech, Ph.D
163 Dr. B. Naveen Kumar Assoc. Prof. M.Tech, Ph.D
164 Dr. T. Muni Sankar Assoc. Prof. M.Tech, Ph.D
165 Dr. R. Ramnath Prasad Assoc. Prof. M.Tech, Ph.D
166 N. Vijaya Kumar Assoc. Prof. M.Sc., M.E..
167 Dr. E. Rama Krishna Asst. Prof M.Tech., Ph.D.
168 Sd. Rizwana Asst. Prof. M.Tech.
169 P. Swathi Asst. Prof. M.Tech.
170 Sk. Subhani Asst. Prof. M.Tech.
171 SK. Gousya Pyari Asst. Prof. M.Tech.
172 Sk. Khaja Mohiddin Basha Asst. Prof. M.Tech.
173 Sk. Rafi Asst. Prof. M.Tech
174 M. Satyam Reddy Asst. Prof. M.Tech
175 K V.Narasimha Reddy Asst. Prof. M.Tech
176 K.V. Srinivas Asst. Prof M.Tech
177 Y. Chandana Asst. Prof. M.Tech
178 G. Srinadh Asst. Prof. M.Tech
179 D. Venkata Reddy Asst. Prof M.Tech
180 M. Santhosh Kumar Asst. Prof M.Tech
181 G. Saranya Asst. Prof M.Tech
182 M. Venkata Rao Asst. Prof MCA., M.Tech.
183 M. Suneetha Asst. Prof M,Tech
184 T. G. Ramnadh Babu Asst. Prof M.Tech
185 K. Rambabu Asst. Prof. M.Tech
186 R. Sravan Kumar Asst. Prof M.Tech
187 A. Thanuja Asst. Prof. M.Tech
188 P. Ramadevi Asst. Prof. M.Tech
189 V. Sobha Rani Asst. Prof M.Tech
190 G. V. Anjaneyulu Asst. Prof M.Tech
191 S. Venkateswara Rao Asst. Prof M.Tech
192 P. Santhi Asst. Prof M.Tech
193 Ch. Rajani Asst. Prof MCA., M.Tech
194 M. Suresh Asst. Prof MCA., M.Tech
195 Abburi Ramesh Asst. Prof. M.Tech
196 K. Prasanthi Asst. Prof. M.Tech
197 P. Solman Asst. Prof. M.Tech
198 M. Koteswara Rao Asst. Prof. M.Tech
199 B. Dileep Kumar Asst. Prof. M.Tech
200 P. Sireesha Asst. Prof. M.Tech
201 D.V. Padmavathi Asst. Prof. M.Tech
202 M. Jhansi Lakshmi Asst. Prof. M.Tech
203 D. Malleswari Asst. Prof. M.Tech
204 T. Rajani Asst. Prof. M.Tech
205 E. Rukmini Devi Asst, Prof M.Tech
206 B. Narender Reddy Asst, Prof M.Tech
207 G. Sai Sindhura Asst, Prof M.Tech
208 B. Yesaiah Asst. Prof M.Tech
209 Sk. Reshma Asst. Prof M.Tech
210 K. Ayyappa Kumar Asst. Prof M.Tech
211 Sk. Nagoor Babu Asst. Prof M.Tech
212 R. Rambabu Asst. Prof M.Tech
213 Sk. Nusrath Parveen Asst. Prof M.Tech
214 M. Sampath Kumar Asst. Prof. M.Tech
215 G. Sambasiva Rao Asst. Prof. M.Tech
216 S. Deva Raju Asst. Prof. M.Tech
217 S. Chaitanya Bharathi Asst. Prof. M.Tech
218 B.Mounika Asst. Prof. M.Tech
219 D.Raju Asst. Prof. M.Tech
220 K. Hajarattaiah Asst. Prof. M.Tech
221 M. Syam Kumar Asst. Prof. M.Tech
222 B. Babu Asst. Prof. M.Tech
  Dept. of I.T.    
223 Dr.B.Jhansi Vazram Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
224 M.Rama Krishna Reddy Asst. Prof M.Tech
225 Dr. Sk. Mohammed Jany Asst. Prof M.Tech, Ph.d.
226 U. Vijay Kumar Asst. Prof M.Tech
227 T. Venkata Manohar Asst. Prof M.Tech
228 T. Anil Kumar Asst. Prof M.Tech
229 Ch. Sita Maalakshmi Asst. Prof M.Tech
230 K. Sireesha Asst. Prof M.Tech
231 P. Neelima Asst. Prof M.Tech
232 P. Vijaya Lakshmi Asst. Prof M.Tech
233 B. Sathish Kumar Asst. Prof. M.Tech
234 D. Thabitha Asst. Prof M.Tech
235 M. Raveendra Babu Asst, Prof M.Tech
236 B. Veera Brahmam Asst, Prof M.Tech
237 G. Nagendram Asst, Prof M.Tech
238 N B S Vijay Kumar Asst. Prof M.Tech
239 P. Naga Lakshmi Asst. Prof. M.Tech
240 B. Sireesha Asst. Prof. M.Tech
241 G. Sindhura Silpa Asst. Prof. M.Tech
242 M. Praveen Asst. Prof. M.Tech
  Dept. of CS, DS & AI&ML.    
243 Dr. V. V. A. S. Lakshmi Professor M.Tech., Ph.D.
244 M. Sai Yaswanth Asst. Prof. M.Tech
245 K. V. Pavan Kumar Asst. Prof M.Tech
246 R. Sowjanya Asst. Prof M.Tech
247 U. Nirmala Asst. Prof M,Tech
248 P. Srinivasa Rao Asst. Prof M.Tech
249 N. Siva Ramakrishna Asst. Prof M.Tech
250 D. Sreekanth Asst. Prof M.Tech
251 G. Nageswara Rao Asst. Prof. M.Tech
252 G. Mahesh Babu Asst. Prof. M.Tech
253 P. Yedukondalu Asst. Prof M,Tech
254 P. Mallika Asst. Prof M.Tech
255 J. Syam Babu Asst. Prof M.Tech
256 M. Revathi Asst. Prof M.Tech
257 G. Jeevana Manikanta Asst. Prof M.Tech
258 A. Veema Rao Asst. Prof. M.Tech
259 B. Siva Prasad Asst. Prof. M.Tech
260 Sk. P. Mb. Subhani Asst. Prof. M.Tech
261 L. Sai Asst. Prof. M.Tech
  Dept. of MCA    
262 Y. Suhasini Professor M.C.A
263 A. V. S. Ratna Kumari Professor M.C.A
264 M. Mamatha Assoc. Prof. M.C.A
265 U. Sai Anusha Asst. Prof. M.C.A
266 P. Revathi Asst. Prof. M.C.A
267 T. Venkatarao Asst. Prof M.C.A
268 M. Mounica Naga Bhavani Asst. Prof M.C.A
269 S. Anusha Asst. Prof M.C.A
270 V. Karuna Kumar Asst. Prof M.C.A
271 Y. Neelima Asst. Prof M.C.A
272 V. Navathi Asst. Prof M.C.A
273 R. Bhima Naik Asst. Prof M.C.A
274 B. N. V. Udaya Lakshmi Asst. Prof M.C.A
275 N. Yoga Chandana Asst, Prof M.C.A
276 A. Papa Rao Asst. Prof M.C.A
277 D. Lakshmi Dheeraja Asst. Prof M.C.A
278 G. Sai Krishna Asst. Prof M.C.A
279 N. Chandra Sekhara Cahri Asst. Prof M.C.A
280 B. Jyothi Asst. Prof M.C.A
281 Ch. Padma Asst. Prof M.C.A
282 A. Aruna Kumari Asst. Prof M.C.A
283 G. Ravi Purnachandra Rao Asst. Prof. M.C.A
284 Sk. Nayab Rasool Asst. Prof. M.C.A
  Department of M.B.A    
285 Dr. P.Pattabhiram Professor M.B.A., Ph.D
286 Dr. M. Aravind Professor M.B.A., Ph.D
287 Dr. K. Anil Kumar Assoc. Professor MBA, M.Phil., Ph.D
288 T.Mallikarjuna Rao Assoc. Professor M.B.A,
289 I. Sridhar Assoc. Professor M.B.A.
290 Dr. Y. Anki Reddy Asst. Prof MBA
291 D. Lakshmi Sowjanya Asst. Prof. M.B.A.
292 Dr. G. Anil Kumar Asst. Prof. MBA., Ph.D
293 Y. Suresh Asst. Prof. M.B.A.
294 Sd. Salma Asst. Prof M.B.A.
295 V. Hima Bindu Asst. Prof M.B.A.
296 T.L. Sravani Kumari Asst. Prof M.B.A.
297 Sk. Nagura Asst. Prof. M.B.A
298 A. Naga Raju Asst. Prof M.B.A.
299 D. Satish Babu Asst. Prof M.B.A.
300 P. Gayatri Asst. Prof M.B.A.
301 N. Usha Deepa Sundari Asst. Prof M.B.A.
302 P. Krishna Sunil Asst. Prof M.B.A.
303 G. Naga Raju Asst. Prof M.B.A.
304 M. Rajesh Babu Asst. Prof M.B.A.
305 R. Ravi Kanth Asst. Prof M.B.A.
306 T. Swathi Asst. Prof M.B.A.
307 V. Hanimi Reddy Asst. Prof M.B.A.
308 J. Rajesh Asst. Prof M.B.A.
309 S. Yohanu Asst. Prof M.B.A.
310 D. Nageswara Rao Asst. Prof. M.B.A.
  B S & H (English)    
311 Dr. K. P. Lakshmi Professor M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
312 Dr. V. Aruna Assoc. Professor M.A., Ph.D.
313 Z. Mohana Rao Assoc. Professor M.A.
314 G. Radha Krishna Murthy Assoc. Professor M.A., M.Phil.
315 Dr. K. Mugeshpillai Assoc. Professor M.A.,M.Phil,Ph.D
316 Dr. S. Rama Krishnan Assoc. Professor M.A.,M.Phil,Ph.D
317 Dr. Sk. Rafi Asst. Prof M.A., M.Phil.,Ph.D.
318 M. Purna Chandra Rao Asst. Prof. M.A
319 Ch. Krishna Asst. Prof. M A., MBA
320 P. Prabhu Preethi Asst. Prof M.A.
321 SK. A. Riyaz Basha Assist. Prof M.A.
322 R. Chandra Mouli Asst. Prof M.A.
323 M. Indhira Asst, Prof M.A.
324 Dr. Sk. Mohiddin Shaw Professor M.Sc.,M.Phil., Ph.D.,
325 Dr. G. Dharmaiah Professor M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
326 Dr. N.C.H. Ramgopal Professor M.Sc,, Ph.D
327 Dr.P.Palani Professor M.Sc,, Ph.D
328 Dr.J.Venkatesan Professor M.Sc,, Ph.D
329 Dr. R. Mohana Ramana Assoc. Professor M.Sc., Ph.D.
330 Dr. Ch. Maheswari Assoc. Professor M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
331 D. Umasankar Assoc. Professor M.Sc., M.Phil.,
332 M. Prasad Assoc. Professor M.Sc
333 A. Aparna Assoc. Professor M.Sc.
334 Dr. N. Ravi Babu Asst. Prof. M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D
335 Jakka Radhika Asst. Prof M..Sc
336 Sd. Roshini Banu Asst. Prof M.Sc
337 V. Radha Asst. Prof M.Sc
338 Y.C.V. Saida Rao Asst. Prof M.Sc
339 K.Harischandra Prasad Asst. Prof M.Sc., M.Phil.
340 Sk. Shareef Asst. Prof M.Sc
341 V. Siva Rama Prasad Asst. Prof MSC
342 U. Sai Kumar Asst. Prof. M.Sc
343 Ch. Revathi Asst. Prof. M.Sc
344 Dr. T.V.S.M. Mohan Babu Professor M.Sc.,M.Phil., Ph.D.,
345 Dr.T. Anjaneyulu Professor M.Sc.,M.Phil., Ph.D.,
346 Dr. K. Neeraja Professor M.Sc.,M.Phil., Ph.D.,
347 Dr. N. Giridhar Babu Professor M.Sc., Ph.D.
348 Dr. V. Poli Reddy Professor M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
349 Dr. Anand Kumar Assoc. Prof. M.Sc., Ph.D.
350 Dr. Chandra Mohan Jaa Assoc. Prof. M.Sc., Ph.D.
351 Dr. M. Prakasam Assoc. Prof. M.Sc., Ph.D.
352 Dr. Arunachelam Assoc. Prof. M.Sc., Ph.D.
353 Dr. Elumali Assoc. Prof. M.Sc., Ph.D.
354 G.S. John Asst. Prof. M.Sc
355 A. Anjaneyulu Asst. Prof M.Sc
356 M. Naga Sireesha Asst. Prof M.Sc
357 J. Parimala Asst. Prof M.Sc
358 S. Srinivasarao Asst. Prof M.Sc
359 N. Sujala Asst. Prof M.Sc
360 M. Bala Chandrika Asst. Prof M.Sc,, M.Phil
361 G. Sagar Kumar Asst. Prof M.Sc,
362 Dr. K. Anji Reddy Professor M.Sc., Ph.D.
363 Dr. G. Somaiah Professor M.Sc,, Ph.d
364 Dr. Manimaran Professor M.Sc,, Ph.D
365 Dr. T. Anusha Professor M.Sc,, Ph.D
366 Dr. A. Mohamed Ibraheem Professor M.Sc,, Ph.D
367 Dr. Devarapaga Madhu Professor M.Sc,, Ph.D
368 Dr. P.N.V.V.L. Pramila Rani Asst, Prof M.Sc.,M.Phil., Ph.D
369 Dr. Y. Lakshman Kumar Asst, Prof M.Sc., Ph.D.
370 Dr. K. Santha Kumari Asst, Prof M.Sc.,M.Phil., Ph.D
371 G. Nagaraju Asst. Prof M.Sc
372 B. Santhi Asst, Prof M.Sc.
373 B. Srinu Asst, Prof M.Sc
374 N. Naga Sindhuja Asst. Prof M.Sc
375 K. Sagar Babu Asst. Prof M.Sc
376 B. Anil Sai Kumar Asst. Prof M.Sc
377 K. Naga Raju Asst. Prof M.Sc
378 J. Lakshmi Asst. Prof M.Sc
379 Sk. Alla Nazeer Asst. Prof M.Sc
380 T. Sumathi Asst, Prof M.Sc
  Environmental Science    
381 Dr. K. Sreenivasulu Assoc. Professor M.Sc., Ph.D
  Placement Cell   .
382 Dr. O.Ananda Asst. Prof M.B.A., Ph.D
  Physical Education .  
383 L. Krishna Reddy P.D. M.P.Ed.
384 N. Jhansi Rani P.D M.P.Ed.
385 N. Anjaneyulu P.D M.P.Ed.
386 P. Vijaya Kumar P.D M.P.Ed.
387 V.V.L.Ravi Kiran librarian M.Lisc.