Dept of CSE, NEC in association with CSI organizing a virtual international conference on artificial intelligence and its emerging areas. (NEC-ICAIEA-2k21). on July 16th and 17th 2021.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Warm Greetings.
It is our immense pleasure to invite you for the Inaugural Session of a 2 day virtual INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND ITS EMERGING AREAS”-NECICAIEA 2K21 on 16th July 2021 at 10.00 AM hosted by the Department of COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING.
Kindly join us for the conference and grace the event.
The Microsoft link details:
Platform: *Microsoft Teams
NECICAIEA-2K21- Join Link1 :- Click Here
Schedule and Join link in the attached document