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Department of ECE Workshops, Guest Lectures, Seminars

Programme Seminar/Workshop/Conference – 2024-25

S.No Name of the Training Programme Name of the Resource Person and Organization Name of the Co-Ordinator Dates of the Event No. of Participants Beneficiaries Type
1 IEEE NEC SB Seminar on Empowering Career Through IEEE Volunteering M. Sai Prasanth, IEEE Hyd Section Dr. K. Raju 29/07/2024 63 II, III – ECE Students
2 Two-Day Workshop on PCB Design Mr. Sadu Sai Saandeep, Vishishta Innovators Dr. K. Raju 30/07/2024 – 31/07/2024 65 III-ECE Students
3 Guest Lecture on Role of IoT in Modern Era Dr. B. Surya Prasad Rao, PVPSIT Dr. A.V. Nageswara Rao 07/08/2024 65 III, IV – ECE Students
4 Model Rocketry Workshop Akash Ekka, Rocketeers Research Institute A. Ravindra Babu 03/10/2024 – 09/10/2024 245 I, III – ECE Students

Programme Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference – 2023-24

S.No    Name   of the Training Programme Seminar/Workshop/ Conference    Name   of the Resource Person and Organization    Name   of the Co-Ordinator    Dates   of the Event    No.   of Participants    Beneficiaries   Type   
1    International   Conference On Advances In Signal Processing And Communications (NEC-ICASPC-2K24)   

Organized By Department Of ECE, In Narasaraopeta Engineering   College

Dr.   SK. Bajid Vali   

19-04-2024 & 20-04-2024.

ECE Dept: HOD, Faculty, IV- Year Students, Out Side College Faculty   And Students, Principal And Management.

IV   ECE Students And Faculty   
2    Three   Days Workshop On “Industrial Internet Of Things” In Association With IEEE NEC   SB & Make Skilled Innovations Park    Mr.   P. Madhu, Make Skilled Innovations Park, Hyderabad    Dr.   K. Raju    17/07/2023   To 19/07/2023    III/I   ECE Students (100)    III/I   ECE Students   
3    One   Week Workshop On “Embedded Systems". Organised By IQAC &Dept Of   ECE In Association With ISTE, NEC SB.    B.   Jagadeesh Chandra Bose Sr Technical Resource Person, Axis Global   Institute Of Industrial Training (AGIIT) Chennai.    Dr.   Y. Jaipal Reddy    29-01-24   To 03/02/24    III/I   ECE Students (100)    III/I   ECE Students   
4    One   Week Workshop On 5G Deployment And Approach For 6G Communications    Mr.R.Venkata Ramana Radiate   Solutions,Vijayawada    Dr.   K. Raju    12-02-24 To 17-02-24    II-II   & III-II B-Tech ECE Students 62   


B-Tech   ECE Students   

5    A   Peer Learning Programme Two Days Workshop On TEACHING WITH TINKERCARD    III   -II B.Tech Students    Dr.   K. Raju    23.02.2024   To 24.02.2024    II-II   ECE Students 63    II-II   ECE Students   
6    A   Seminar On E-WASTE MANAGEMENT   

SPEGSY   E-Waste Management Company

1.   Mr. Pavan Raj Namdev (CEO)

2.   Mr. Srikanth (BDM)

3.   Ms Manasa (OM)   

A.   Ravindra Babu    20-06-2024    IV-ECE   Students    IV-ECE   Students   
7    One   Week Workshop Innovative Problem Flow Design Using Dia Tool    Mr.   M. Lakshmi Chennakesava Rao,VFSTR        11/12/2023-16/12/2023    I   Year 100 Students    I   Year Students   
8    A   Seminar On “Awareness On GATE”    Mr.   A. ASHOK, Asst.Manager – Business
   Development, OHM Institute Hyderabad   
Dr.   V. Venkata Rao    23-08-2023    IV/I   ECE Students (100).    IV/I   ECE Students   
9    Guest   Lecture On DELAY IN 5G & 6G Technology   

Dr.   G. Lakshmikanth

R&D   At Ericsson, Sweden   

Dr.   A.V. Nageswara Rao    14/02/2024   





10    One Week FDP On “Emerging Trends In VLSI, Communications & AI   Enabled IoT Applications"    1. Madhu Parvataneni, CEO, Make Skilled Innovation Park, Hyderabad.
   2. Dr. B.K.N. Srinivasa Rao Asst.Professor, Dept. Of ECE, NIT Warangal
   3.Dr.V. Anil Kumar, Asst.Professor, Dept. Of ECE, IIIT Hyderabad.
   4. Mr. K. Sudhakar, Trainer, Lineysha & Thevan Software Technologies, Vijayawada.
   5. Dr.A. Balasubramanyam, Asst.Professor, Dept. Of EEE, IIT Indore.
   6. Dr.M. Mahesh, Asst.Professor, Dept. Of ECE, VIT-AP   
Dr. A.V. Nageswara   Rao    5/6/2023 To 9/6/2023    Faculty Of ECE, CSE And EEE From AICTE Approved And All Other Colleges    Faculty   

List of Workshops/Guest Lectures/Seminars, etc.


S. No.    Department    Name of the Training Programme Seminar/workshop/   conference    Name of the resource person and organization    Name of the co-ordinator    Date/s of the event    No. of Participants   
1    ECE    MoU Signing Ceremony    Shubhajit Jagadev Co founder &CEO   EduSkills,   Life member- Indian society for technical
   Education(ISTE) Sri Sri University   
Dr. V. Venkata Rao    07-07-2022    ECE -60   
2    ECE    International Conference on Advances in Signal   Processing and Communications (NEC-ICASPC-
1.Dr. Ruchi Doshi, Associate professor and   researche supervisor, UNIVERSEIDAD,
   AZTECA, Mexico,
   2.Dr. Anil Kumar Vuppala, Associate professor,
   IIIT, Gachibowli, Hyderabad. Topic:   
Mr. Amit Gupta    29-7-2022 & 30-7-2022    62   
3    ECE    Guest lecture on “ Hakathons and Intenships”    Mr. Ganesh Nagi Doddi-Founder & CEO,Brain O Vision   Solutions India Pvt.Ltd..    Dr. V. Venkata Rao    08-08-2022    III-ECE students   
4    ECE    “One Week Faculty Development Program (FDP)   on “Advanced VLSI System Design & Challenges”    1. Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao, Professor &   Principal JNTUK UCEN, Narasaraopet, AP.
   2. Dr. Ramesh Vaddi, Assoc. Prof. &Head,
   Dept, of ECE, SRM University AP.
   3. Mr. M. Nagaraju, AE-Manager
   Entuple Technologies, Bengaluru.
   4. Mr. B.K. Shiva Prasad, Sr. FAE
   Entuple Technologies, Bengaluru.
   5. Mr. V. Navaneet Krishan, Sr. FAE
   Entuple Technologies, Bengaluru.
   6. Mr. K. Sudhir Kumar, FAE
   Entuple Technologies, New Delhi.
   7. Dr. K. Raju, Professor, Dept. of ECE
   Narasaraopeta Engineering College, Narasaraopet.   
Dr. V. Venkata Rao    22-8-2022 to 26-8-2022.    70   
5    ECE    Webinar on “Build Self Confidence”    Ms. Sita Ravinutala, Communication and   Transition Coach, Doctorite , WINCIBL.    Dr. V. Venkata Rao    13/09/2022.    70   
6    ECE    Webinar on “The State of Women in Engineering”,    Dr. Abha Dargar, Member of IEEE WIE,   Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE, Kalasalingam
   Academy of Research &
   Foundation, Tamilnadu.   
Dr. V. Venkata Rao    15-09-2022    90   
7    ECE    One Week Faculty Development Programme   on” VLSI Devices and Circuits for AI
1. Dr. S S Gill, NITTTR Chd   2.Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao, KL University AP
   3.Dr Santosh, Kumar IIT Indore
   4. Dr. Tanu, IIIT Una
   5.Dr. Bibhas Ghoshal, IIIT Allahabad
   6. Dr. Amandeep Kaur, Central University,
Mr. A. Ravindra Babu    19/09/2022 to 24/09/2022    38   
8    ECE    Seminar on “Career Opportunities after   B.Tech”    Mr. M. Ramesh, Senior Faculty Member at   ACE Engineering Academy.    Dr. V. Venkata Rao    22-09-2022    III B.Tech ECE-A&B students(117)   
9    ECE    Seminar on “Career Opportunities after   B.Tech”    Mr. M. Ramesh, Senior Faculty Member at   ACE Engineering Academy.    Dr. V. Venkata Rao    24-09-2022    III B.Tech ECE-C&D students(124)   
10    ECE    Two days Workshop on” Developing IoT   applications(Hands-on Training)”    1. Dr. Y.Mohammed Sirajuddin, Assistant   Professor, VIT-AP, Amaravathi, Guntur.
   2. Prajwal Y. Moredukonda, Assistant
   Professor, Dept. of CSE, Vardhaman College
   of Engineering, Hyderabad.   
Dr. V. Venkata Rao    26/09/2022 to 27/09/2022    III ECE Students (219)   
11    ECE    Webinar on “Cyber Security Awareness   programme”    JNTUK Team    Dr. V. Venkata Rao    14-10-2022    70   
12    ECE    A seminar on “ IoT Drone Applications”    Dr. A. V. Nageswara Rao, Department of   ECE, Narasaraopeta Engineering College
   (Autonomous), AP   
Dr. V. Venkata Rao    21-10-2022    70   
13    ECE    Webinar on ”Autonomous Navigation   Techniques and Applications”    Dr. Pitchaiah Telagathoti, Professor &   HOD,   Department of ECE, VFSTR,Vadlamudi,
Dr. V. Venkata Rao    02-11-2022    60 (III/I ECE D Section students)   
14    ECE    Webinar on the theme “National   Education Policy-2020”    Dr. M. Sreenivasa Kumar garu, Principal,   Narasaraopeta Engineering College
   (Autonomous), Narasaraopet, AP.   
Dr. V. Venkata Rao    02-11-2022    60 (III/I ECE D Section students)   
15    ECE    Guest   lecture on “Evolution of Television"    Dr. A. V. Nageswsra Rao, Associate   Professor, Narasaraopeta Engineering College
   (Autonomous), AP.   
Dr. V. Venkata Rao    21-11-2022    II ECE students (60).   
16    ECE    One Week FDP on “IoT and its Applications”    1. Prof. Maninder Singh, Professor CSE TIET,   Patiala 2. Dr Sandeep Saini, LNMIIT Jaipur 3. Dr Ravikant Saini, IIT Jammu 4.   Dr. Anil kumar Verma, Professor CSE, Thapar 5. Dr Satyam Agarwal, IIT Ropar   6. Dr Sandeep Sood, NIT Kurukshetra 7. Dr Abhishek Kumar, LNMIIT Jaipur 8.   Dr. Pratima Manhas, 9. Dr. Jyoti Verma    Dr. V. Venkata Rao    05-12-2022 to 09-12-2022    53   
17    ECE    One day Seminar on “Awareness on Abroad   education"    M. Apparao, Branch manager, LEO Global Overseas    Dr. V. Venkata Rao    04-01-2023    III B.Tech ECE students   
18    ECE    “National Youth Day” program on the occasion of   Swamy Vivekananda Jayanthi    Dr. M. Sreenivasa Kumar, Dr. V. Venkata Rao    Dr. V. Venkata Rao    11-01-2023    24   
19    ECE    INDUSTRIAL VISIT    Mittapalli Spinners Ltd., Chinnathurakapalem,   Narasaraopet, Guntur(Dt),AP.    Dr. K. Raju    10-02-2023    B.TECH II-Year II-Sem ECE Students   
20    ECE    “Technical Treasure Hunt” Competition    IEEE Members    Dr. A.V. Nageswara Rao    22-02-2023    II, III and IV- year ECE students (200)   
21    ECE    Orientation Program on “ReinPrep platform (Tool)”    Mr. M.Rajiv, EZ Training and Technologies    Dr. V. Venkata Rao    25-02-2023    III ECE Students (110).   
22    ECE    Orientation Program on “ReinPrep platform (Tool)”    Mr. M.Harshavardhan & EZ Training and Technologies    Dr. V. Venkata Rao    25-02-2023    II-ECE Students (120).   
23    ECE    Webinar on “Emerging Technologies Advanced Data   Science – 2023 Why it is Important?”    Mr. Raj and Indo-Euro Synchronization Team    Dr. V. Venkata Rao    03-03-2023    III/II-ECE A& B Sections.   
24    ECE    Online workshop on " Awareness Program on   Intellectual property rights Under National Intellectual Property Awareness   Mission 2.0 (NIPAM 2.0)"    Shri. Veera Raghavulu Kattula, Examiner of   Patents & Designs, Indian Patent Office, Chennai.    Dr. S.V.N. Sreenivasu    10.03.2023    All the faculty members   
25    ECE    International Conference on “Advances in   Signal Processing and Communications, NEC-ICASPC-2K23”    1. Mr. Selladurai. Sathiya Moorthy,   Post-Directoral Fellow, University of
   2. Prof. E. Sreenivasa Reddy, Professor
   & Dean, Acharya Nagarjuna
   University, Guntur.   
Dr. A.V. Nageswara Rao    24/03/2023 & 25/03/2023    87(32 others + 55 IV/II ECE Students)   
26    ECE    “IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) NEC   Student Branch Inauguration”    Dr. Atul Nagi, Chair, IEEE Hyderabad Section, Dr. E.   Sreenivasa Reddy, Vice Chair, IEEE   Guntur Sub-Section    Dr. A.V. Nageswara Rao    25-03-2023    III/II ECE & IV/II ECE Students   
27    ECE    Awareness Program on “Summer Training   and Microsoft Azure Cloud Technologies
   Certification by TCS Microsoft Business
Dr. V.Venkata Rao, HOD, ECE and Mr. O.   Ananda, TPC Head and Training
   Coordinator: Mr. A. Ravindra Babu   
Mr. A. Ravindra Babu    01-04-2023    III/II ECE students   
28    ECE    Guest lecture on “Inter of Things “    Dr. D.J.R. Kiran Kumar, Associate Professor,   Department of ECE, KLU, Vijayawada    Dr. V. Venkata Rao    27-04-2023    II/II ECE students   


List of Workshops/Guest Lectures/Seminars, etc.



Name of the Training Program/Seminar/


/Guest Lecture

Name of the Resource person and Organization Name of the Coordinator Date(s) of the Event No of Participants
1 STTP on “IoT Application Development using Python”

Dr. Ananda Kumar Subramanian, Assoc. Professor, VIT- University, Vellore

Mr.P MadhusudhanaRao, MD, Orange Research Labs , Hyderabad

Mr. C. Sudhakar, Retd. Professor & Retd. AGM,  Andhra Bank,   Hyderabad

Mr. J. Narasimham, Retd. Scientist,  BHEL Entrepreneur

Dr. K. Sreenivasa Ravi, Professor

07-12-2020 to


2 AICTE Sponsored STTP on “Advances In Remote Sensing and its Applications”

Dr. Bharati Bidakar,

Research Analyst, AUCE, Andhra University

Dr. G. Rama Murthy,   Professor, Mahindra University, Hyderabad.

Dr. N. Pappa,

Professor & HoD,

MIT, Chennai

Dr. Natraj Vaddadi,

Vice President, Genpact & Adjunct Faculty, Petroleum Technology at the University of Pune (now SPPU)

Mr. P. MadhusudhanaRao, MD,

MadBlocks Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad

Dr. Naresh Kumar Mallenahalli, NRSC, Hyderabad

Dr. Sabitha Ramakrishnan, Instrumentation Dept, MIT, Chennai

Dr. A.V. Nageswara Rao,

Associate Professor

14-12-2020 to


3 Six-day Workshop on “Embedded Systems Fundamental &Advances” APSSDC Mr. A. Ravindra Babu, Assistant Professor




4 Guest Lecture on “Fundamentals of IOT”

Dr. D. J. R. Kiran Kumar

Associate professor,

KL University

Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & HoD 04-03-2021 120
5 Two-day Workshop on “Important topics in Signals and systems”

Dr. D. J. R.Kiran Kumar

Associate professor, KL University

Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & HoD 5-3-2021 & 6-3-2021 185
6 On-Week Workshop on “Internet Of Things” APSSDC Mr. A. Ravindra Babu, Assistant Professor

19-4-2021 to


7 Guest Lecture on “IOT Applications for Covid-19”

Dr. Bapuji, IIT Bombay

CEO, Appleton innovations

Dr. A.V. Nageswara Rao,

Associate Professor

22-05-2021 165
                                                                                                8 Poster Presentation on “Advanced IOT application” IETE

Dr. A.V. Nageswara Rao,

Associate Professor

22-05-2021 57
9 Webinar on “Recent Trends in VLSI Devices” in Association with NEC IEEE IESSB Dr. Shilpi Birla, Associate professor Manipal University, Jaipur

Dr. K. Raju

Associate Professor

18-6-2021 200
10 Project Presentations ISTE

Dr. K. Raju

Associate Professor

18-6-2021 36 batches
11 Guest Lecture on “Artificial Neural Networks: Health care Applications”

Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Sharma

Associate Professor Manipal University, Jaipur.

Dr. B. Ragahvaiah

Associate professor

19-6-2021 35
12 Paper presentation on “Smart Technologies for fighting Pandemic: The Techno and Human”

Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Sharma

Associate Professor Manipal University, Jaipur.

Dr. B. Ragahvaiah

Associate professor

19-6-2021 12 batches

A Guidance Program

“On career Opportunities after B.Tech”

Mr. Baseeth Alam

S.MM Trinath

In Association with ACE

Dr. K. Raju

Associate Professor

25-6-2021 215
14 Virtual International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communications (NEC-ICASPC-2K21)

Dr. Akilesh Sharma

Professor, Manipal University,


Dr. Amith Guptha 23-07-2021 to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              24-07-2021. 100 papers
15 Department of ECE conducted a Two Week Workshop on “Embedded Systems"     APSSDC 1.Mr Reddi Anish Kumar
2.G. Sireesha
3. M.Gokula Sukanya
15-11-2021 to 27.11.2021 II-I ECE
16 Department of ECE conducted a Two Week Workshop on “Internet of Thing"   APSSDC 1. Mr Reddi Anish Kumar
2. G.Sireesha
3.M.Gokula Sukanya
15-11-2021 to 27.11.2021 II-I ECE



Name of the Training Programme/Seminar/


Name of the Resource Person and Organization

Name of the


Date(s) of the event No. of Participants
1 Awareness Program on GATE Mr. B. Lakshman, Managing Director, GATE 10X Academy, Ongole.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

04-10-2019 150
2 Seminar on Present and Future Trends in Telecommunications Mr. P. Ravi Prasad Rao, Consultant at Communications in ITE&C, Govt of A.P Dr. K. Sreenivasa Ravi, Professor


3 One day workshop on eSim, a First course in the IoT Series PMMMNMTT, MHRD Govt of India in association with IIT Bombay Mr. V. Rama Krishna Reddy, Assistant professor 21/09/2019 30
4 Seminar on Role of Engineer for Societal Needs and Career Planning and Guidance Mr. A. Satish IRSE, Dy. Chief Engineer, North Frontier Railways, Assam

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

30/08/2019 145
5 Awareness program on Career guidance Mr. U.Venkateswara Reddy, CEO, Worldwide Education and Careers Divison, Guntur

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

20/08/2019 160
6 AICTE sponsored Two Week FDP on Emerging Trends in Machine Learning for Biomedical  Applications

Dr. Lov Kumar,

Dr. S. Priyanka,

Dr. C. Srilatha,

Dr. Md Farukh Hashmi,

Dr. H. Prasanna Kumar, Dr. U.S. Raghupathy,

Dr. Usha Rani Nelakuditi,

Dr. P. Sudhakar,

Mr. T. V. Rao,

Mr. Anil Upadhyay

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE




7 A Five Day FDP on VLSI Chip Design Hands on using open Source EDA Tool

Electronics & ICT Academy MNIT,


Dr. B. Raghavaiah,

Associate Professor,

Dept. of ECE

08/07/2019 to


8 A Five Day FDP on IoT Application Development using Advanced Processors

Mr. P. Madhu, mad Blocks Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad

Dr. V. VenkataRao,

Professor & Head of ECE

03/06/2019 to 08/06/2019. 51
9 Webinar on Reconfigurable Antennas

Dr. M Lakshmi Narayana,

Scientist-H (Rtd.), DRDL-Hyderabad

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

26/05/2020 62
10 Workshop on Scilab ICT, IIT Bombay

V Rama Krishna Reddy

Asst. Prof,

Dept. of ECE-NEC

04/05/2019 82
11 Webinar on “Comparison on Classical Machine Learning and Deep Learning”

Dr V Anil kumar,

Associate Professor,IIIt-Hyderabad

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

01/06/2020 55
12 VLSI Chip Design Hands on using Open Source EDA Tools.



Dr. B Raghavaiah

Associate Professor,

Dept. of ECE,NEC

16/12/19 to 21/12/19

13 Recent Trends in IC Design Using Mentor Graphics  EDA Tools


CoreEL Technologies

Dr. A.V. Nageswara

Rao, Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE,NEC

18/11/19 to 22/11/19

14 ICT Mode on Effective Teaching NITTTR, Kolkata

Dr. A.V. Nageswara

Rao, Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE,NEC

15/07/2019 to 19/07/2019 65

A Guest Lecture on


Electromagnetics –

Design and Analysis

with Simulation

Dr. T. Venkateswara


IETE Students


Dr. A.V. Nageswara

Rao, Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE,NEC

11/03/2020 63

Awareness Program


Mr. M. Kotireddy

Mr. Ch. Vamsi Krishna

GATE 10X Academy,


Dr. K Raju,



26/02/2020 240

A Guest Lecture on

“Importance of Goal


Dr. Garimella Rama


Mahindra Ecole



Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

21/11/2019 120
18 Poster Presentation Dr. T. Venkateswara Rao ,ISF

Dr. A.V. Nageswara

Rao, Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE,NEC

11/03/2020 68
19 Workshop on Python Basics

Yekkanti Venkatesh &

Sana Sudha

Andhra Pradesh State

Skill Development


A.Raveendra Babu,

Assistant Professor,

Dept. of ECE-NEC





Seminar on Internet of Things




I.RaviKumar & Mamidi


Andhra Pradesh State

Skill Development


A. Raveendra Babu,

Assistant Professor,

Dept. of ECE-NEC





One day workshop on

eSim, a First course in

the IoT Series


Govt of India in

association with IIT


Mr. V. Rama

Krishna Reddy,

Asst. Professor,

,Dept. of ECE-NEC

21/09/2019 75

A Guest Lecture on

“Importance of Goal


Dr. Garimella Rama


Mahindra Ecole



Dr. A.V. Nageswara


Associate Professor

21/11/2019 58



Name of the Training Programme/Seminar/


Name of the Resource Person and Organization

Name of the


Date(s) of the event No. of Participants
1 A Two Day Workshop on Python for Beginners Mr. T. V. Rao, Advisor, NEC College

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

13/05/2019 &


2 A One Day Workshop on Scilab Dr. Kannan Moudgalya, Professor, IIT Bombay Mr. V. Rama Krishna Reddy, Assistant Professor, ECE dept. 04/05/2019 83
3 A One Day Workshop on Virtual Labs-an MHRD-NMEICT Initiative Ms. Parnika Srivatsava and Ms. Krishna Teja Chepur, IIIT Virtual Lab team, Hyderabad.

Dr. V.Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

05/04/2019 65
4 A Short Term Course on Recent Trends in Biomedical Instrumentation NITTTR-Chandigarh Dr. A.V. Nageswara Rao, Associate Professor, ECE Dept. 25/03/2019 to 29/03/2019 50
5 Awareness Program on Higher Education Mr. N. Ravi Kumar, Manager, Conduira and Ms.Thania Bajaj, Executive Manager of Education & Training Services, Guntur.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

19/03/2019 88
6 A Two Day Workshop on Important Topics in Digital Signal Processing Mr. S. V. Sai Krishna, JNTUN, Narasaraopet

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

14/03/2019 and 15/03/2019 147

Two Day Workshop on Important Topics in EM Waves and

Transmission lines

Mr. D. MohanaMurali, IIT, Tirupathi.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

11/03/2019 and 12/03/2019 235
8 A Short Term Course on Wireless Propagation NITTTR-Chandigarh Dr. A. V. Nageswara Rao, Associate Professor, ECE Dept. 25/02/2019 to 01/03/2019 50
9 A Guest lecture on Advanced Wireless Communications Dr. P.Bala Murali Krishna, Professor  & HOD, Department of ECE, Sri Mittapalli College of Engineering, Guntur. Dr. Sreenivasa Ravi, Professor, ECE Dept. 16/02/2019 75
10 A Guest lecture on Global Navigation Satellite System Dr. D. J. R. Kiran Kumar, Associate Professor, Dept of ECE, KLEF, Vaddeswaram Dr. A. V. Nageswara Rao, Associate Professor, ECE Dept 2/2/2019 160
11 A Short Term Training on Applications of IoT Mr. P. SrinivasRao ,Mr. Y. Naga Ravi, Technical Directors and Mr. Ch. Narender, App Developer, Chinmaya Technologies, Hyderabad.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

06/02/2019 to 27/02/2019 210
12 Awareness Program on Higher Education Mr. Shiva Krishna, Videsh Consultancy, Vijayawada

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

19/2/2019 55
13 A Short Term Course on Digital System Design NITTTR-Chandigarh Mr. J.V.K. Ratnam, Professor, ECE Dept 28/01/2019 to 01/02/2019 51
14 Workshop on Mathematical Operations with SciLab Ms. G.Alekhya and  Ms. Mubeena, APSSDC trainers

Dr. P Lakshmanan

Professor & Head of EEE

10/1/2019 to 12/1/2019 33
15 Awareness Program on  Abroad Education Mr. K. SeshuBabu, Process Manager, Center for  International Admissions and Visas, Guntur.


Professor & Head of ECE

8/1/2019 160
16 Awareness Program on Overseas Education Mr. U. Venkateswara reddy, Worldwide Edu Consultants, Guntur

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

5/1/2019 175
17 A Program on Guidance and tips to crack GATE for GATE-2019 Aspirants Mr. S. Arun Kumar, IIT, Tirupathi

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

14/12/2018 30
18 Seminar on Higher Education Mr. K.H. Vasudev, Regional Head, Telangana, Manya Education Pvt.Ltd., Hyderabad

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

08/12/2018 60
19 A five day Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends and Applications in Biomedical Signal and Image Processing Dr. H. Prasanna Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, University of Visveswaraya College of Engineering, Bengaluru & Dr. K. Naga Srinivasarao Batta, Asst. Professor, Department of ECE, NIT, Warangal.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

26/11/2018 to 30/11/2018 83
20 Interaction session students with German delegates

Dr. Till Claudflieg and Dr. Christoph Greb,

Applied Robot Control Labs, Germany.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

03/11/2018 30
21 Awareness Programme on Industry Expectations and Technical Trends Mr. Richard King, Regional Head, TCS, Hyderabad

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

03/11/2018 120
22 A Program on Vigilance Awareness Week – 2018 Eradicate Corruption – Build a New India Mr. Sankar Pinarayi, General Manager, Power Grid Corporation, Chilakaluripet

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

31/10/2018 165
23 Personality Development Programme Dr. Yendamuri Veerendranath, Personality Development Trainer, Hyderabad.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

28/09/2018 210
24 Seminar on GPS Navigational Systems Dr. D. Venkata Ratanam, Professor, Dept of ECE, Head, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, KL University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur. Dr. Sreenivasa Ravi, Professor, ECE Dept. 15/09/2018 73
25 A One Day Seminar on Data Science Mr. Sk. Pramod, Data Scientist & Project Manager for ThoughtWorks, President of Swecha and Secretary of Free Software movement of India

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

15/09/2018 60
26 Seminar on Applications of DSP & VLSI in Broadcasting Mr. P. Kalee Prasad, Senior Engineer, Doordarshan, Machilipatnam Dr. A. V. Nageswararao, Associate Professor, ECE Dept. 05/09/2018 89
27 Awareness Program on Abroad education in    USA Mr. Ravi Annavarapu, Jounalist, USA

Dr. V.Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

24/08/2018 120
28 Workshop on Scilab Ms. V. Sireesha and Ms. D.Gireesha, APSSDC Trainers

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

23/08/18 to 25/08/2018 37
29 Workshop on Embedded Systems

Mr. B. Naga Raju, Mr. D. Fayazuddin and Mr. S. Sravan Kumar, APSSDC Trainers.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

16/07/18 to 18/07/2018 and 19/07/18 to 21/07/2018 81
30 Interactive session on Career Opportunities for ECE students Dr. E. Muneender, Founder & Honorary Advisor, Viswa Academy, Hyderabad.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

11/07/2018 160



Name of the Training Programme/Seminar/


Name of the Resource Person and Organization Name of the Co-ordinator Date(s) of the event No. of Participants
1 A Guest Lecture on VLSI Technology Challenges & Career Opportunities Dr. Usha Rani Nelakuditi, Professor, VFSTR University, Guntur Dr. A. V. Nageswara Rao, Associate Professor, ECE Dept. 23/03/2018 65
2 A Five Day Short Term Course on Embedded Systems

Dr. Kanika Sharma, Dr.Anil Kumar,

Dr. Bhaskar Gupta,

Dr.Amod Kumar,

Dr. S.S.Dhami,

Mr. Sandeep Singhai

Dr. Prakash Kodali, Associate Professor, ECE Dept

19/03/2018 to 23/03/2018. 41
3 A Personality Development Training Programme Mr. Sk. Shakir, Personality Development Trainer, Empower Training Solutions, Hyderabad. Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 13/03/2018 172
4 A 11-day E-Learning on Python Programming

Mr. K. Naga Kumar, MD Metro Labs ,



Technical Member,



Shrikant Bhisade,

Design Engineer II,

AMD India

Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 05/03/2018 to 22/3/2018 65
5 A Guest Lecture on Devop-Trics Mr. Mathu Murty Ronanki, Advisor and Mentor for Devop-trics and Mr. P.V. Anantharamaiah, CEO for Devop-trics, Hyderabad Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 23/02/2018 80
6 Online Programme on SCILAB Introduction & Programming Ms.Suman, Sri Sukhmani Group of Institutions, Derabassi, Chandigarh Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 22/02/2018 113

A Guest lecture on Present Trends on IoT, Industry Requirements in Current Technology

Mr. D. Rama Krishna, Founder and CEO of Efftronics Systems Private Limited, Vijayawada Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 17/02/2018 30
8 A Webinar on Awareness on Microsoft Certifications   K. Naga Kumar, Managing Director, METRO LABS, HYDERABAD Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 12/02/2018 144

A Guest Lecture on Artificial Intelligence & Analytics

Mr. Jitendra Chakravarthy, Vice President, AI & Analytics, Cognizant Technology Solutions Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 10/02/2018 86
10 Guest Lecture on Emerging Technology Trends and New Generation Jobs Mr. T. Srinivas, CEO, Transynt, Moghalrajpuram, Vijayawada Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 25/01/2018 114
11 Short Term Training Programme on VLSI Mr. V. Kishore & Mr. V. Ravi Teja, Training Member & Training Assistant, Chinmaya Micro Technologies, ECIL, Hyderabad Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 05/01/2018 to 11/01/2018 80
12 Guest Lecture on VLSI Architecture for Signal Processing Dr. Sk. Rafi Ahmed, Associate Professor, IIT Guwahati. Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 04/01/2018 104
13 Seminar on Personality Development & Career Guidance Mr. ROL. Sarma, Communication Skills Trainer, Rama Krishna Math, Hyderabad Dr.V.Venkata Rao,Professor & Head of ECE 29/12/2017 118

Short Term Training Programme on  IoT Application

Mr. Sk. Ahmed,

Business Development Manager, Smart Bridge Private Limited. Hyderabad.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 27/12/2017 to 30/12/2017 75
15 Seminar on Career Guidance & Career Planning

Mr. K. Rambabu,

Senior Project Manager, TCS, Hyderabad..

Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 26/12/2017 146
16 A Three Day Workshop on Embedded Systems Fundamentals Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development   Center, Dept. of Skill Development, Government of Andhra Pradesh  .

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

18/12/2017 to 20/12/2017 59
17 A Faculty Development  Program on Outcome  Based Education Dr. S. Baskar, Professor, EEE department, Tyagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE




18 A Four Day Workshop on Mobile Application Development Andhra Pradesh  State Skill Development   Center,Dept of Skill Development, Government of Andhra Pradesh .

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

25/10/2017 to 28/10/2017 39
19 Webinar on Free Open Source Softwares – Scilab Dr. Kannan Moudgalya, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

12-10-2017 35
20 Workshop on How to build an IoT System Mr. Uday Kumar.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

10-10-2017 122
21 Interactive session on Opportunities for Higher Education in India & Abroad Mr. K. Seshu Babu, Process Manager, Center for International Admissions and Visas, Guntur. Dr. V. Venkata Rao, Professor & Head of ECE 21-09-2017 142
22 Online Programme during Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya’s centenary celebrations

Mr.Narendra Modi,

Prime Minister of India.

Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE


23 Awareness Program on Abroad Education

Mr. M. Prem Chandra,

Branch Manager,

IDP Education India Pvt Ltd, MG Road,


Dr. V. Venkata Rao,

Professor & Head of ECE

18/07/2017 140
24 Guest Lecture on Genetic Algorithms And Its Applications To Image Water Marking

Dr. K. Ramanjaneyulu,


ECE Department,

PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology,


Dr. A. V. Nageswara Rao, Associate Professor, ECE Dept. 14/07/2017