Dr B Venkata Siva is the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Coordinator of IQAC. He has completed M.Tech in the year 2005 with a specialization in Production from Acharya Nagarjuna University and completed Ph.D in the year 2017 from Acharya Nagarjuna University. He has 18+ years of teaching experience and guided 20 B.Tech and 8 M.Tech projects. He has received a fund of Rs. 1.25 Lakh from DST under young scientist travel scheme in the year 2012 and worked on industry project of worth 25 Lakhs, titled “Preparation of metal matrix composites from coal mining waste“, sponsored by M/S NALCO.
Areas of interest
Metal matrix composites, Tribology, Wear studies, Polymer composites, 3D printing and Robotics.
He has published more than 20 research articles in various reputed journals and has 7 SCI and 8 Scopus indexed papers to his credit. He has published 44 national and international conference papers and also published one book and 5 book chapters.
He has published 20 design patents and 2 utility patents.
Membership with professional bodies
- Professional member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers-ASME (103768819)
- Fellow of Institute of Engineers FIE(I) -F1278971
- Life member of ISTE (LM 66881)
- Life member of Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing –ISNT (LM9377)
- Member of International Association of Engineers-IAENG (221349)
- Professional member of Institute For Engineering Research and Publication–IFERP (PMIN13748592)
Countries visited
- Germany– for undergoing training on Fundamentals of Mechatronics and Industrial Robotics at European Center for mechatronics, Aachen, 10/12/18 – 18/12/18.
- S.A – for presenting a research paper in an international conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 2012-Sponsered by SERB (SR/ITS/0786/2012-2013-Rs1,24,857) under young scientist travel scheme.
- Singapore – for presenting a research paper in an international conference on Mechanical, Automotive, and Materials Engineering (ICMAME’2013), Singapore.
- Dubai– for presenting a research paper in 2nd international conference on research in science, Engineering and Technology (ICRSET’2014), Dubai.
Programs organized
- Successfully conducted International conference on “NEC-ICETMEIA-2K23”, 9th – 10th June 2023 as a Convenor, at NEC – Narasaraopet.
- Successfully conducted a short term course on “Nano Technology-Developments and Challenges”, 26-30 Sept, 2022, as a Local coordinator in association with NITTTR, Chandigarh, at NEC, Narsaraopet.
- Successfully conducted a short term course on “Energy Harvesting & Storage Materials & Devices”, 12-16 Sept, 2022, as a Local coordinator in association with NITTTR, Chandigarh, at NEC, Narsaraopet.
- Successfully conducted International conference on “NEC-ICETMEIA-2K22”, 29th – 30th July 2022 as a Convenor, at NEC – Narasaraopet
- Successfully conducted International conference on “NEC-ICETMEIA-2K21”, 30th – 31st July 2021 as a Convenor, at NEC – Narasaraopet.
- Successfully conducted a short term course on “Green Manufacturing”, 3-7 February, 2020, as a Local coordinator in association with NITTTR, Chandigarh, at NEC, Narsaraopet.
- Successfully conducted a short term course on “IoT in Manufacturing”, 6-10 January, 2020, as a Local coordinator in association with NITTTR, Chandigarh, at NEC, Narsaraopet.
- Successfully conducted a short term course on “Optimization using MAT Lab”, 27-31 August, 2018, as a Local coordinator in association with NITTTR, Chandigarh, at NEC, Narsaraopet.
- Successfully conducted seminar on “Advances in Welding Technologies”, 29-09-2018 as a coordinator, at NEC, Narasaraopet in association with IIW, Vizag.
- Successfully conducted workshop on “NDT Tools”, 20-21 July 2018 as a coordinator, at NEC, Narasaraopet in association with BITS, Vizag.
- Successfully conducted a short term course on “Advanced manufacturing methods”, 5-9 March 2018, as a Local coordinator in association with NITTTR, Chandigarh, at NEC, Narsaraopet.
- Successfully conducted workshop on “NDT Tools”, 6th – 7th Oct 2015 as a convenor, at NIST – Berhampur.
- Successfully conducted national seminar on “NSCMP 2015”, 31st July – 1st Aug 2015 as a convenor, at NIST – Berhampur.
- Successfully conducted national seminar on “NCACM-2015”, 21st – 22nd Feb 2015 as a co-convenor, at GIET – Gunupur.Successfully conducted national seminar on “MTiME 2012”, 18th – 19th Feb 2012 as a co-convenor, at GIET – Gunupur
Reviewer for the following journals/conferences
- Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology—Springer journals
- International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge
- Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research – Academic journals
- Acted as Review committee member of “International Conference on Materials, Mechanical and Energy Engineering (ICMMEE02021), organized by BEC during 7th to 8th May 2021.
- Acted as Review committee member of “International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Material Science (ICAMEMS-2022), organized by VIT-AP University, during 22nd to 24th Jan 2022.
- Micromachines & Applied Science Journals – MDPI
- Crystals– MDPI
Awards received
- Indian Record by filling 20 IPRs on single day i.e 11/10/2021, Recognized by Indian Book of Records
- Best Teacher award at GIET University in the year 2012