About ECE Department
The Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Department was established in the year 1998 with a sanctioned intake of 40 students in B.Tech. Program. In view of future demand in this field, the intake was enhanced subsequently and the present intake is 240. The department also offers two Post Graduate Programs; M.Tech (Digital Electronics and Communication Systems) which was started in the year 2004 and M.Tech (Digital Systems and Computer Electronics) which was started in the year 2006.
The department was accredited by NBA in 2009, 2013, and 2017. The faculty is well qualified, dynamic, and experienced. The department is consistently achieving good academic results. The placement on the campus of the department is progressively increasing in autonomy. The department has strong research groups in Digital Signal and Image Processing, Communication, VLSI Design, Embedded Systems, and IoT.
The department offers following programmes:
Program | Type of the Program | Duration | Strength | Year of Starting |
B.Tech. | Full Time | 4 Years | 240 | 1998 |
M.Tech.(DECS) | Full Time | 2 Years | 18 | 2004 |
M.Tech.(DSCE) | Full Time | 2 Years | 9 | 2006 |
The faculty members are having many research papers in peer reviewed reputed national and international journals and conferences to their credit. The department is having strong backup of qualified supporting staff to support the laboratory work. The department receives funds from various agencies such as AICTE, DST for Seminar Grant, FDP, MODROBS, STTP, etc. Faculty members are acting as Supervisors for Ph.D. Programs of various universities. Faculty members are also reviewers for many international journals.
The department is a recognized Research Centre for Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK), Kakinada.
The department has a good academic culture and conducive working environment for teaching learning, research and development. The department boasts well equipped laboratories in the area of VLSI, Embedded Systems, IoT, Signal and Image processing. The department has Embedded Systems and Robotics Lab funded by IIT, Bombay under E-Yantra Project. The department has adequate infrastructure to achieve the academic excellence.